Case Study
Going Solo: AC Rieman Breaks Away From the Large Firm Life

When Work-Life Balance Feels Like It Is On Trial
Stepping away from the structure and security of a large firm, and into your own law practice can feel like a giant leap. But it is a transition many attorneys familiar with the pressure and stress of big law firms are eager to make, in exchange for a better work-life balance.
Civille had the opportunity to create a new website and custom content for AC. Rieman Law, a Virginia-based attorney who chose to leave a fast-paced position with a large West Coast law firm to pursue a more balanced lifestyle by opening her own practice.

By The Numbers
Increase in organic traffic in first 6 months
Increase in organic leads in first 6 months
Google Business Profile Positioning

Timing Is(n’t) Everything
Amanda opened the doors to her law practice in March 2020. In spite of that timing, Amanda still advises anyone considering starting their own firm, “don’t wait for the right time, there isn’t one”, but also, “have some startup finances, if possible”. Not knowing what was to come with the pandemic, she said was a blessing, had she, it might have scared her into staying in a position she wasn’t happy in. She’d also advise, “don’t seek approval and don’t listen to naysayers”. The flexibility she now has, allows her to fit work around her life and not the other way around. As a mother with two small children, this is a priceless gain.
Time v. Everything Else
There are pros and cons to every sincerio. Working for a large firm does have some advantages, financial being one. Though for Amanda, and others who choose the path of solo practice, autonomy outweighs dollars. Things like: being in control of their time, being able to choose who they surround themselves with (both clients and coworkers), and not being another “cog in the wheel”, are significant factors in the quality of (work)life.
Now, this doesn’t mean starting your own law practice is easy. For Amanda, this meant building it from the ground up. Without an influential name in the community, or family with a law background, and as a female in a “good ‘ole boys” industry, she met hurdles along the way. But where there is a will, there is a way. Her core passion of helping others, drove her to open her practice, sustained her through the trying first two years of business, and continues to motivate her as she grows into a thriving firm.
Being Solo Doesn’t Mean You’re Alone
Helping people is only helpful, if they know you are there and can easily find you. That’s where Civille steps in to help Amanda and other attorneys like her. Building a user-friendly website, with SEO-centered content, allows AC Rieman Law to reach more people who need her help, and allows them to find her more easily. When it comes to working with Civille, she values the team’s honest, open communication and customized approach that fits her law firm’s needs.
Having people you can trust to guide you in areas your business needs, will help give you a solid foundation. Attorney’s know the law. Civille knows websites and marketing.
Don’t wait for the right time — there isn’t one.