Blog Articles

  • Why Are Attorney Bio Pages Important?

    Why Are Attorney Bio Pages Important?

    You know those attorney bios on your website? The ones you probably wrote years ago and haven’t touched since? Well, guess what? They’re not just a boring formality. Those bios are a powerful tool, a secret weapon even, for attracting and winning over potential clients. Why are attorney bio pages important? Think of them as……

  • 20 Content Ideas for Criminal Defense Attorneys 

    20 Content Ideas for Criminal Defense Attorneys 

    Are you a criminal defense attorney struggling to attract new clients to your website? One way that can help you reach more clients is by focusing on content marketing. By creating relevant and engaging content, you can engage potential clients, showcase your expertise, and build trust in your practice. To assist, we created a list……

  • Does Your Firm Need to Optimize For Other Search Engines?

    Does Your Firm Need to Optimize For Other Search Engines?

    When most people think of search engine optimization (SEO), Google is usually the first platform that comes to mind. But does that mean other search engines like Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, or even niche legal search engines are irrelevant for law firms? Does your firm need to optimize for other search engines? Civille can help! The……

  • 20 Content Ideas for Divorce Attorneys

    20 Content Ideas for Divorce Attorneys

    Blogging is an extremely powerful tool for SEO and ranking for search engine results. As the go-to source for information, the internet demands a strong online presence. For a divorce attorney, it’s important to regularly publish high-quality blog content on topics related to divorce law to demonstrate your expertise and help build trust with potential……

  • Best Lawyers in TV and Movies

    Best Lawyers in TV and Movies

    Why did you become a lawyer? What made you want to pursue a legal career? Maybe you have family members who are lawyers. Maybe you want to make a difference. Maybe you like the challenge of navigating the legal code to prove your case. Or maybe you fell in love with the legal process on……

  • Should Your Law Firm Be in Google’s People Also Ask?

    Should Your Law Firm Be in Google’s People Also Ask?

    When potential clients turn to Google with legal questions, they’re often met with a cascade of related queries within the “People Also Ask” (PAA) boxes. Should your law firm be in Google’s People Also Ask? These interactive boxes expand the search results, offering deeper insights and alternative perspectives. For law firms, earning a place in……


FREE Law Firm Website Audit

89% of law firm websites have critical SEO errors. Majority of them, have multiple. If you’re struggling to generate more traffic, consistent leads, or want a better look at your SEO performance, we can help!

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Civille Accessibility Audit

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As attorneys, you understand the struggles of the underrepresented. More than 20% of the population of the United States suffers from a disability. In 2021, there is no excuse for having a website that isn’t accessible to everyone.

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