Case Study
Tabak Law Builds Reputation on Representing the Underrepresented

The Right Client at the Right Time
The social security disability benefits legal practice can be both rewarding and gut-wrenching. Securing benefits for someone who qualifies for them, but has previously been denied through the system is as good as it gets for a disability attorney. At the same time, many individuals don’t understand how the system works and apply for benefits when they are not qualified for them, or incorrectly believe they can increase their current benefits.
To help ensure they attract the right clients who need assistance, Tabak Law has invested in messaging across multiple platforms. This includes traditional media, in addition to digital. Specifically, Tabak Law has a website with clear messaging and easy-to-interact-with qualifying forms and invests in organic search and some paid advertising to help amplify their firm’s presence.

By The Numbers
Increase in Year-over-Year Organic Traffic
Increase in Year-over-Year Organic Leads
Google Business Profile Positioning

Tabak for the Payback
For someone seeking to get approved for social security disability benefits, timing is crucial. If they have already been denied benefits, they typically only have 60 days to file an appeal. Within that timeframe, Tabak Law must be able to make contact with the individual and work toward putting together an appeal. Tabak specializes in this and has a track record of success getting individuals approved who were previously denied. This is where their tagline of “Tabak for the Payback” originated from.
The tagline also refers to the backpay that many individuals are qualified for when they are approved for disability benefits. Getting backpay to the time they became disabled is key, as many individuals have been unemployed or underemployed from that point – which may have spanned years. Tabak Law fights to get the proper backpay to help these individuals get on with their lives after struggling to make ends meet.
Standing Out From the Crowd
Tabak Law Partner Lauren J. Zwirlein understands the importance of standing out from the crowd in the increasingly competitive space. Lauren manages the social security disability segment of Tabak Law and continues to innovate to find new ways to help the firm excel.
Every aspect of the firm needs to be functioning harmoniously to ensure that everyone qualified for help receives it. That means that from the initial call to the final judgment, the Tabak Law team needs to be there for a client. Tools like lead qualification forms on the website and proper messaging help Tabak with intake to help ensure that the team isn’t improperly taxed with the wrong kind of leads and can focus on the right ones.
The combination of Tabak Law and Civille is a winning case.
We want to reach the right audience to help as many people as possible.