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Local Service Ads Verification Change for Lawyers

Local Service Ads Verification Change for Lawyers

Google is rolling out a critical update to its Local Service Ads (LSAs) verification process for lawyers. If your law firm uses LSAs to generate leads, this change impacts you. What’s the Update? In essence, lawyers appearing in your Local Service Ads will now need to complete an additional identity check, beyond their license check,… Read more

LSA Dispute Option Gone: What Lawyers Need to Know
GBP, LSA, Paid Advertising

LSA Dispute Option Gone: What Lawyers Need to Know

As of July 2024, Google has made significant changes to the Local Service Ads (LSA) platform, specifically for the dispute process. The manual dispute option, which allowed lawyers and business owners to challenge the validity of leads or ratings, has been removed. This change has left many lawyers wondering what this means for their LSA… Read more

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