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How Can SEO and PPC Work Together for a Law Firm?
Paid Advertising, SEO

How Can SEO and PPC Work Together for a Law Firm?

Law firms need a digital strategy to compete in today’s online world. This is a fact.  It’s great if you have a strong referral network and do well with word-of-mouth advertising. But if you are content solely relying on these sources, you are missing out on great leads. There are two main reasons why.  If… Read more

Where Should You Be Marketing Your Law Firm?
Paid Advertising, SEO, Social Media, Website

Where Should You Be Marketing Your Law Firm?

As a law firm, you understand that effective marketing is essential for attracting new clients and growing your practice. But with so many options, where do you focus your efforts? The answer will vary depending on your firm’s specialty, target audience, and resources. However, there are key channels that any legal practice should consider. Let’s… Read more

Law Firm Local Service Ads: How Much Should I Invest?
Lead Gen, Paid Advertising

Law Firm Local Service Ads: How Much Should I Invest?

Google Local Service Ads have really taken off over the last year or two. Initially, it was rolled out in a beta program, and now Google opened it up to the entire US, increasing the eligible amount of service-related companies. For law firms, Google Local Service Ads has proven to be a successful strategy, especially… Read more

How to Get More Personal Injury Leads for Your Law Firm
Lead Gen, Paid Advertising, SEO

How to Get More Personal Injury Leads for Your Law Firm

You’ve been in a car accident. You’re injured. It wasn’t your fault.  After assessing your injuries, the instinct you may have is to immediately contact an attorney. This unexpected life event requires the assistance of a professional. Time is of the essence.  As a personal injury (PI) attorney, you’ve been on the other end of… Read more

Best Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Estate Planning Law Firm
Local, Paid Advertising, SEO

Best Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Estate Planning Law Firm

Making your estate planning firm stand out and different online (in a highly competitive landscape) is important. And while this may sound like a difficult challenge, it doesn’t have to be. Making tweaks and additions to your online presence and your estate planning digital marketing strategies can go a long way in making you stand out above the crowd. And more importantly, growing your estate planning law firm.  Read more

Law Firm Digital Marketing Strategies for 2022
Local, Paid Advertising, SEO

Law Firm Digital Marketing Strategies for 2022

End of the year is always a good time to reflect on not only your accomplishments at your law firm, but things you could do better. Regardless of how successful or unsuccessful you were in 2021, it’s important to look back and start thinking about strategies and improvements as you head into the new year. This article takes a closer look at digital marketing strategies you need to focus on in 2022. Read more

Boost Your Law Firm Lead Volume With Local Service Ads
Local, Paid Advertising

Boost Your Law Firm Lead Volume With Local Service Ads

Every law firm wants to know the secret ingredient to more traffic and more leads for their website. The problem is, more traffic and more leads are dependent on many things. You could have all the website traffic you want, but if your site is outdated, slow, or your brand reputation isn’t great (or not visible), people won’t convert. And on the contrary, if you have a great-looking website and law firm brand but aren’t focusing on bringing in traffic or the right traffic, you’re either missing out on leads or throwing money out the door.  Read more

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