20 Content Ideas for Disability Attorneys

ssdi content topics

Most individuals will start collecting social security at the age of 62 or older when they retire. However, the program also exists to assist individuals who become disabled and are unable to work. 

Social Security Disability Attorneys seek to help bridge that gap for individuals who may need benefits, but cannot attain them on their own, or have been wrongfully denied benefits. 

Given that social security disability (SSDI) is a national program, attorneys who are looking to attract potential clients online can take advantage of a national keyword strategy. Conversely, attorneys in other practice areas often have to adhere to a localized strategy, as they can only help clients within a certain geographic area. 

ssdi content

Being part of a national program has its advantages and disadvantages when it comes to SEO strategy. To assist, we’ve come up with 20 content ideas that disability attorneys can use to start to build out their content strategy. 

20 Content Ideas for Social Security Disability Attorneys

  1. Overview of Social Security Disability Benefits: A comprehensive guide explaining what SSDI and SSI are, who qualifies, and how to apply.
  2. Common Reasons for SSDI Denials: Discuss the most frequent reasons why SSDI claims are denied and what applicants can do.
  3. The SSDI Application Process Step-by-Step: A detailed walkthrough of each stage of applying for SSDI benefits.
  4. Qualifying Medical Conditions for SSDI: An in-depth look at the medical conditions that typically qualify for SSDI benefits.
  5. Appealing a Denied SSDI Claim: Guidance on the appeals process, including deadlines and necessary documentation.
  6. How to Prepare for a Social Security Disability Hearing: Tips for applicants on preparing for and navigating an SSDI hearing.
  7. Understanding SSDI Work Credits and Eligibility: Clarification on work credits and their role in determining SSDI eligibility.
  8. The Role of Medical Evidence in SSDI Claims: Explanation of how medical evidence impacts the approval of SSDI claims.
  9. SSDI vs. SSI: Key Differences and Eligibility Requirements: A comparison of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
  10. Effects of Age on SSDI Claims: How age can affect SSDI eligibility and benefit amounts.
  11. Navigating SSDI for Veterans: Special considerations and benefits available for veterans applying for SSDI.
  12. Mental Health Conditions and SSDI Claims: How mental health issues are evaluated in SSDI claims and the documentation needed.
  13. The Role of Vocational Experts in SSDI Hearings: Insight into how vocational experts contribute to SSDI hearings.
  14. SSDI Benefits for Children with Disabilities: Information on SSDI benefits available for children with disabilities and their families.
  15. Understanding SSDI Overpayments: What to do if there has been an SSDI overpayment and how to handle the situation.
  16. Impact of Work and Income on SSDI Eligibility: Explaining how work and other sources of income can impact SSDI benefits.
  17. Medical Examinations and SSDI Claims: How consultative examinations and medical reviews affect SSDI claims.
  18. SSDI Benefits for Terminal Illnesses: Eligibility and expedited processes for individuals with terminal illnesses.
  19. Tips for Completing the SSDI Application Forms: Practical advice on filling out SSDI application forms accurately and completely.
  20. Recent Changes and Updates in SSDI Policies: Discussion on any recent legislative or procedural changes that affect SSDI applicants and recipients.

Content Strategy for SSDI Attorneys

While these 20 ideas are a good starting point for SSDI lawyers, you can assume that the big players in the space have already written content on these topics. That means that you have to either write a better post than they have already written or expand on a specific niche within the SSDI space. 

If you want to go the “write a better version” route, you won’t be able to rely on AI, as it’s only going to give you a rewritten version of what already exists online. You’ll have to find something new and interesting that you or your team come up with to move the needle. And even if you do, things like your site’s domain authority, speed, and more come into play as ranking factors. 

writing content

The better play is to develop a consistent content strategy that centers around a niche area of the space that your team is uniquely positioned to help with. Then, you expound on keywords around that area and slowly become the online authority. 

Even with the existence of AI, content marketing isn’t easy. It still takes proper planning and execution over an extended period of time. Need help with your strategy? The Civille team has experts ready to implement a new strategy for your firm.

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