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Sites We Love With All Our Hearts
2025, Design

Sites We Love With All Our Hearts

It’s that time of year. Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and love is in the air. But before we raid the red, heart-shaped candy displays at our local grocery store, we wanted to share our love for law firm websites with you. With that in mind, we put together a collection of law firm… Read more

Building the Civille Brand and the Freedom of Transparency

Building the Civille Brand and the Freedom of Transparency

In October of 2020, Lincoln Labs had identified a fit for its first Lab: websites and digital marketing for the legal space. All we needed was a name, a color scheme, fonts, a website, a name… A Brand By Any Other Name Our first step in the creation of this new Lab was to find… Read more

Logo Design for Law Firms

Logo Design for Law Firms

Design + Branding / By Bowen HobbsA logo’s job is to communicate your brand, whether you’re selling shoes, French fries, or legal services. Great logos become symbols for a brand’s promise, sometimes to the point where the name can be removed due to the symbol’s ubiquity. How does this relate to law firms? While most… Read more

Civille Pro Bono: Hope Fridge

Civille Pro Bono: Hope Fridge

Civille entered the legal space to do what so many attorneys try to do — help people. One way we noticed we could do exactly that was by shouting out some of our favorite causes that tip the scales toward justice.  Enter: Civille Pro Bono. And for the first Civille Pro Bono article, we would like… Read more

Build Trust in your Law Firm through Site Design

Build Trust in your Law Firm through Site Design

As people continue to search for (and find) everything they need on the internet, a well-designed site is as important as ever. Since you aren’t able to sell your services in person to everyone who finds you online, your site acts as a surrogate, making your pitch in your place. And if you have a… Read more

How to Take a Headshot You Can Use on Your Law Firm’s Website
Branding, Design

How to Take a Headshot You Can Use on Your Law Firm’s Website

Taking a headshot can be stressful. You’re usually your own worst critic. And those issues are compounded if the photos aren’t shot in a way that allows you to use them throughout your website and social media pages. Below are a few helpful tips to get the most out of your next photo shoot. Bring… Read more

Why Branding Matters in the Digital Landscape
Branding, Design

Why Branding Matters in the Digital Landscape

When it comes to websites, much of the focus is placed on performance, for good reason. Performance helps you rank on Google, which helps more prospective customers find you. More people on your site will usually convert into more business. But what happens when you have plenty of inbound traffic but conversions are trailing behind?… Read more

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