
The Rise of Reddit in Search and Why Your Firm Should Care

The Rise of Reddit in Search and Why Your Firm Should Care

In today’s evolving world of online search, Google has been the king that everyone has come to know. However, there’s a new player emerging and it’s one that you may not expect: Reddit. Yes, that Reddit. The self-proclaimed “front page of the internet” contains a vast network of communities, lively discussions, and the occasional cat memes.

Just to make it clear, Reddit isn’t just about quirky subcultures and Internet inside jokes. It is slowly but steadily becoming a major player in the way people find information online, a real search destination and Google is a part of the reason for that. At Civille, we are always on the lookout for the latest trends in the online world, and trust us, Reddit’s rising influence is something every law firm needs to know about.

Why is Reddit Showing Up in More Search Results?

There are a few factors at play here. First, Google itself has found value in the content produced by Reddit. At the beginning of 2024, Google signed a deal to gain access to the Reddit Data API, allowing its search algorithms to have direct access to the hundreds of thousands of discussions and pieces of information housed within Reddit communities.

Second, the structure of Reddit is well suited for search in a way that Google can easily identify the content that is most relevant to a search query. This is because it is organized by topic (called ‘subreddits’) and the upvoting and downvoting system makes for an excellent filter to identify quality content, which is what Google wants to serve.

But here’s the real clincher: People are actually typing ‘Reddit’ after their questions in Google, with the intention of finding that authentic community driven perspective. They want real-world experiences, unfiltered opinions, and insights that you will not find in traditional sources.

How Can Law Firms Take Advantage of This?

Traditional SEO is important to stay on top of and maintain, but paying no mind to the continuing rise of Reddit in search could be a big opportunity missed. Firms need to know how their firm and its practice areas are being talked about on Reddit, and they need to think about how they can participate in those conversations.

Here’s the thing: Reddit isn’t the place for traditional marketing. It’s a chance for law firms to connect with potential clients in a completely different way—by being authentic and engaging. It’s about joining a conversation, not giving a sales pitch. You can build trust and establish your firm as a knowledgeable resource by participating in relevant subreddits, answering questions honestly, and sharing your expertise. It is about contributing to a community, not selling to them.

Read More: What Do Google Algorithm Updates Mean For Your Firm?

How to Leverage and Respond on Reddit: A Guide for Law Firms

This is a different approach to what is generally expected from traditional marketing or even other social media platforms. Reddit users hate being “sold to.” Any attempt at blatant self-promotion will likely result in downvotes and negative comments. The key to success on Reddit is to be authentic, helpful, and part of the community.

Here is a more detailed guide on how to respond on Reddit as a law firm:

1. Be a Real Person, Not a Brand:

First of all, remember that Reddit is a community of people. Address it as a person, not as some faceless brand. Use ‘I’ when it is appropriate to use that, and share your personal experiences and insights. It will also help to use a username that is related to your actual name. For example, instead of ‘Civille’ you may use ‘JakeFromCiville.’

Your personality should also shine through (in a professional way, of course). Don’t be afraid to use humor, wit, or even a touch of self-deprecation when it is called for.

2. Listen First, Talk Later:

Before you start posting, spend some time in the subreddits that are relevant to your areas of practice. Get a sense of the temperament of the community. What are people talking about, what are their concerns, and what kind of language do they use?

Pay attention to the subreddit’s specific rules and guidelines. Some communities have strict rules about self-promotion or the type of content that is allowed in the community.

r/legal advice reddit screenshot

3. Provide Value, Value, Value:

When you do respond, focus on providing genuine value. Answer questions thoroughly and thoughtfully. Share your expertise in a way that can help a person who may not know much about the topic.

Offer helpful resources, but make sure they are not promotional. Links to useful blog posts (from other sources, not your own), interesting articles, or useful guides are usually well-received. These blog posts should not be overly promotional either.

If you are posting a link to your firm’s website, then make sure the information is useful and not just a way of directing people to the ‘contact us’ page. There are many topics on which it will be best to offer advice without linking to any external resources.

4. Transparency is Key:

Always disclose your affiliation with your law firm. You might put it in your user flair (if the subreddit allows it) or mention it in your comments when it is relevant.

Don’t try to hide who you are or pretend to be someone you are not. Reddit users are quick to call out astroturfing (fake grassroots activity), and it will lose you credibility.

5. Engage in the Conversation:

Don’t just post a comment and run. Stick around and engage in the conversation. Answer the follow up questions, clarify further, and discuss it with other users.

Be respectful of other opinions though you may disagree. Reddit is for different perspectives and engaging in a thoughtful debate is useful only when done appropriately.

6. Avoid the Hard Sell:

This is perhaps the most important rule. Don’t even try to turn every comment into a sales pitch. Don’t offer your services and don’t ask for business. If you are constantly telling people to contact your firm then you will be downvoted.

It is better to build relationships and to become a trusted resource. If you consistently provide value then people are more likely to come to you when they need legal help.

7. What to Do If You Mess Up:

Everyone makes mistakes. If you accidentally overstep the bounds or receive negative feedback, don’t panic. Acknowledge your mistake, apologize if necessary, and learn from the experience.

Don’t delete your comments or try to hide your missteps. Transparency and accountability are important on Reddit.

8. Think Long-Term:

Building a positive reputation on Reddit takes time and effort. Don’t expect overnight results. Focus on consistently providing value and participating in the community, and you will develop trust and credibility. You may even enjoy your time on Reddit!

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Civille: Your Partner in Navigating the New Search Landscape

At Civille, we understand that Reddit requires a nuanced approach. We can help you develop a Reddit strategy that aligns with your firm’s overall marketing goals while respecting the unique culture and norms of the platform. We can help you identify relevant subreddits, monitor discussions, craft authentic responses, and track your progress. We’re here to help you navigate the evolving world of online search and connect with potential clients in a meaningful way.

If you’re ready to explore how Reddit can fit into your firm’s online marketing strategy, contact Civille today.

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