
Best Digital Marketing Strategies for Divorce Attorneys

Best Digital Marketing Strategies for Divorce Attorneys

People get divorced for many reasons, but what reasons make them choose a lawyer? Maybe you were the top search result. Perhaps you had strong Google reviews. They could have stumbled onto your website while researching divorce questions. Or they might have seen an ad somewhere on the internet. Chances are though, if they find you, they will find you digitally. 

When someone needs a new service that they have never needed before, such as the services of an experienced divorce attorney, they rely on the Internet to discover the right service provider. Do you think it should be you? What are you doing with your digital marketing to prove that? Find the best digital marketing strategies for divorce attorneys with Civille.

Build an Optimized Website

It’s amazing how many small law firms totally ignore the value of a website. Many divorce attorneys are still relying on the old way of doing things, but let us ask you this, do you still use a phonebook? When was the last time your were convinced by a billboard? Why are you investing in ads that deep down you don’t believe in? If you are going to have a digital presence, it has to start with a website.

Maybe you already have a website, but ideally, we should go a little further than that. You want a website that’s quality, custom, and speaks to your brand. You also want one that’s fast and designed to rank. Many website providers don’t understand the legal space, and if they do, they don’t know how to optimize.

AC Rieman home page screenshot

What does optimized even mean? We’re glad you asked. In this case, we generally mean search engine optimization or SEO. Search engines like Google are designed to provide the content that searchers want, but how does Google know what searchers want? It’s all in their algorithm, and essentially SEO is the act of creating websites and content for those websites that is all expertly tuned to that algorithm.

Take Control of Your Google Business Profile

Carvajal Law Google Business Profile screenshot

Speaking of Google, do you know what a Google Business Profile is? Many people don’t but we can almost guarantee that you’ve seen them countless times, and if you’ve been in business for a while, even if you don’t have a website, then chances are your firm already has a Google Business Profile.

A Google Busines Proifle or GBP (formely known as Googly My Business or GMB) is the box that comes up when you search for a business on Google or through Google Maps. It contains images, a link to Google maps, your address, and both basic and in-depth business info. Perhaps most importantly, it includes a link to your website and a link to call.

GBP pages are actually surprisingly versatile. You can house products on there, in the case of a divorce attorney, this could include divorce, uncontested divorce, child custody, property settlement, and other areas that you would like to advertise or grow into. Additionally, this is where you manage Google reviews, set business hours, and even create posts, much like you would on a social media platform.

These pages are entirely free. In fact, Google creates these for many businesses automatically. You can control and optimize your GBP after you claim it, and if Google hasn’t created one for you yet, then you can create one yourself. Your GBP can also house products. GBP owners and managers can even add posts similar to a social media platform.

Need help with all this? At Civille, we’ve put together a free GBP optimization guide.

Custom Content Can Push Your Firm’s Digital Marketing Over the Top

Every website has content, and in the world of SEO, content is king. If you want people to come to your site, then one of the best investments you can make is in your content. Having great interior pages and a perfect homepage are both helpful to be sure, which comes back to having a good website provider, but you can take that a step further with a blog.

Carvajal Law Blog Post screenshot

What Does a Blog Do for a Divorce Lawyer?

Blogs are not just for influencers and news sites anymore. Everyone from tech companies to lawyers can benefit from having a blog. After all, you’re on the Civille blog right now, and that should mean something. What is the point of a blog and how can it help your divorce law firm? That’s a topic that we could write an entire blog post about, and in fact, we did.

For a divorce attorney though, think about how many questions your clients have when they first come into your office or give you a call for a consultation. Many of those questions they are likely typing into search engines too, and if your site is the site they land on, that’s going to make a big impact. You can also create blog posts that target your local area to specifically draw in clients in your service area.

The great thing about a blog post is once a blog post is created, it will keep working for you for as long as it’s relevant and live on your site. It’s like an ad that keeps working without putting additional money into it.

Don’t Forget Paid Search in Your Marketing Strategy

The other side of a strong blog strategy is your paid search strategy. Blogs are great because they are affordable and each post is a one-time cost. However, blogs are slow. Most blogs can take months to gain traction. Paid search, on the other hand, is going to get you to traffic quickly.

If you are just starting out as a divorce law firm, then you have a few paid search options to consider:

  • Google Ads—Google Ads is a very customizable ad platform and by far the most used platform for pay-per-click style ads including text ads, display ads, and video ads among others. The easiest ad type to implement is text ads. In terms of creative, text ads only require you to come up with text and select the keywords you wish to target. The more research you put into your keywords and the more time you spend honing your strategy around the divorce services you offer, the better results you will get.
  • Google Local Service Ads—This is a relatively new ad type developed by Google specifically for businesses that provide a local service. These ads are separate from traditional Google Ads. The thing about this type of ad is that you only pay for relevant leads for your firm. It does require additional monitoring on your part but can save you money.
  • Facebook—Facebook ads may not be what they used to be in terms of targeting, but having a social media presence, boosting posts, and creating ads to drive traffic should be a part of any effective paid marketing campaign. 

How to Grow Your Law Firm’s Social Media Following

Make Digitial Marketing Work for Divorce Attorneys

You may be thinking, this is all a big ask. Most if not all of these are going to be well outside your area of expertise, and even if they were, let’s be honest, you don’t have the time. At Civille, we have the time for you, and we also have the expertise. We can build you a website that’s fast and built for SEO. We can handle your content marketing, ad marketing, lead qualification, and more. Let us fast track your digital marketing today!

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