What is Content Marketing?
For the better part of 10 years, ‘content’ has emerged as an important tool to fortify, enhance, or grow your online presence. Chances are you’ve heard the phrase ‘content is king’ at about every marketing conference you’ve been to. Of course, ‘content’ has been around for a lot longer than the web or even digital… Read more
Don’t Lose Your SEO When Launching a New Site
Law firms utilize their websites in different ways. For some, the website is a critical cog in their lead acquisition, and they have invested effort in SEO and paid search (in addition to functionality) to make it that way. For others, the site is more of a brand legitimizer for potential clients who come in… Read more
SEO For Law Firms: What You Need to Be Successful in Search
Most law firms know what SEO is. Many firms even invest in some form of SEO. But only a select few make a meaningful investment in SEO that provides ROI for the firm. It’s easy to see how this happens. Attorneys understand the need to optimize their site and be found in search. But there… Read more
8 Things to Improve Page Speed for Your Law Firm Website
Page speed is pretty self-explanatory on the UX side. If a page on your law firm website takes a long time to load (especially on a mobile device), that can be a frustrating experience for the user. A faster website gets the information quicker to the user, increases page views, reduces bounce rate and increases conversions (phone calls and form leads). A slow website increases the likelihood of the user leaving your law firm website and going to a competitor law firm. Read more
Why You Need to Optimize Your Law Firm’s GMB
Law firm websites are a core piece of what we do. We know how much value a quality website has for a law firm.
But if a solid website is priority 1 for a law firm’s online presence, the Google My Business (GMB) listing is 1a. The reason is pretty simple. Read more
Why Does My Law Firm Site Have So Many Errors?
You are being audited. This phrase can invoke fear in anyone. Knowing that it’s a WEBSITE audit we’re talking about takes a little bit of weight off. But for your firm, the contents of the audit may hold the keys to instant improvement. Read more
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